
Our search facility will help you find all the information you need to use our products and services.

The search facility allows you to explore all of the content available on the site, searching information on the pages across the site as well as documents available from this site.

To use enter details of your search requirements in the ‘keyword’ search field. You can then filter the results by type and order by preference to help you sort the results however works best for you. 

Filter options:

  • Use the ‘type’ filter option to select to view links to web pages or downloadable assets only
  • Order the results by relevance or alphabetically
  • To clear your search and start a fresh click the cross in the top right hand corner of the keyword search field.

Search results:

  • The icon indicates the format of the information, downloadable asset or link to a page
  • For downloadable assets the file type is specified below the download icon
  • The results give the title and short descriptor for documents and page title and first few lines of copy for web pages
  • To open the document or access the page click on the icon or name.

Remember, if you are:

  • Not logged in the key symbol will show against all resources that are password protected
  • Logged in the key symbol will only show against the resources you do not have access rights to.

So, get the most out of this site and remember to log in first every time you visit. If you haven’t yet applied for your password do so now using the link below. 

Please note: this site does NOT contain any Bacs reports. If you are looking to collect your Bacs reports you need to visit the Payment Services Website.

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