Best practice videos
Here you will find a number of videos to help you when using our services.
The majority of the videos are only accessible to registered users of the website and require a user name and password to gain access. If you haven't yet applied for your password, register now.

Including top tips for service user compliance.
Duration: 10 minutes

The key attributes of the Direct Debit Guarantee; the fundamentals of who offers the Guarantee and how it operates
Duration: 4 minutes

An overview of the AUDDIS migration process, including the four stages incorporated in the migration.
Duration: 12 minutes

An overview of the A services covering returned payments and messaging, including useful information and best practice tips on collecting messaging reports.
Duration: 24 minutes

Information about the tools available to assist service users in the management of Direct Debit and Bacs Direct Credit payment files. These controls are around the submission and reconciliation of those files and the checks to ensure their accuracy.
Duration: 7 minutes

Explaining Paperless Direct Debit (PDD) and the various remote methods that can be used to sign-up customers to Direct Debit collections without the payer having to sign a paper Direct Debit Instruction (DDI).
Duration: 52 minutes

An overview of some important precautions that will assist in minimising potential cyber threats and incidents to your business. More information can be found in section 8A.3A of the Service User’s Guide and Rules to the Direct Debit Scheme or refer to cyber security and service user’s responsibility.
Duration: 10 minutes